Friday, December 27, 2019

The Effects of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Mirror Gazing Free Essay Example, 1500 words

However, individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder unlike normal individuals who do not experience the disorder are bound to experience more stress when gazing at the mirror for a lengthy period as opposed to a shorter period. From the study results, it is therefore correct to conclude that, individuals suffering from BDD, exposing them to a mirror regardless of the duration of mirror exposure act serves as an immediate trigger for abnormal mode of processing as well as well as associated distress. Thus, Body Dysmorphic Disorder development can be associated from past excessive mirror gazing behaviors. It is unsurprising that many individuals have concerns regarding their physical appearance. However, in body dysmorphic disorder, the relevant concerns are so pronounced that they are associated with intense distress as well as interference with the quality of life. A study was conducted to determine strategic and automatic measures as predictors of mirror gazing among persons with Bo dy Dysmorphic Disorder symptoms. The aim for the study was to test cognitive behavioral models of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in an effort of examining the relationships correlates of mirror gazing and cognitive biases. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Mirror Gazing or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The study investigated both relatively strategic and automatic measures of cognitive biases among 32 participants (Clerkin & Teachman, 2009). From the study results, anxiety and avoidance were associated with mirror gazing among the individuals who had a Body Dysmorphic Disorder. The interpretation that were tied to appearance uniquely illustrated a self-reported desire to avoidance, while the evaluations of strategic appearance uniquely illustrated peak anxiety that was associated with mirror gazing as well as automatic appearance associations that was uniquely predicted behavioral avoidance. These study results provide considerable support for cognitive models of Body Dysmorphic Disorder while suggesting dissociation between strategic automatic and automatic measures. Patients suffering from BDD are bound to spend many hours in front of the mirror. However, little is known about factors that make such kind of behavior and the psychopathology. A st udy was done to find out the behaviors and beliefs leading to the trend. The study examined two types of groups for comparison that involved 55 body dysmorphic disorder patients and 55 control individuals. A self-reported questionnaire was used in collecting the responses. From the study results, the BDD patient were driven to continue with the mirror gazing behavior with the hope that they will look different.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impact of Ict on Society - 2585 Words

SISAT School of Information Systems Technology Faculty of Informatics ISIT900 Fundamentals of Contemporary Technologies Impact of ICT on Society Table of Contents PART A 1 1. Introduction 1 2. The annotations 1 2.1 Scholarly journal articles 1 2.2 Conference papers 1 2.3 Newspaper articles 1 2.4 Internet sources 1 3. Conclusion 2 Annotated Bibliographies 3 PART B (Endnote) 6 4. Introduction 6 5. The Endnote advantages 6 6. The Endnote disadvantages 7 7. The Recommendations 8 8. Conclusion 9 9. References 10 PART A Introduction With era of globalization, information technology has taken new horizons and reached a position where it is a part of our daily routine. Information and†¦show more content†¦These topics are the tutorial agenda in the conference which has been followed by a number of open themes on the topic in order to clarify the topic from a strategic perspective. In addition to the open themes and the delivered tutorial, a number of papers indicating experiences of e-government in Argentina, Iran, Ethiopia, and Nigeria have been presented during the workshop. The major key findings and experiences of these countries have been also highlighted in this paper which is basically a report on e-government in the countries in question. FLORIDI, L. (2007) A look into the future impact of ICT on our lives. The Information Society, 23, 59-64. This journal article is written for professional, journalist, IT student and all people who are interested in ICT or anyone who is interested in social society. The article mainly speaks about the impact that ICT is going to have on our lives. The author presented a seminar on a topic where he came across a few questions which led to the writing of the present paper. The makes predictions about future impacts of ICT in the said conference. The author emphasized two ICT scenarios infosphere and reontologization. Infosphere mainly deals with the complete informational environment which is comprised of various informational entities, their properties, processes, interactions and mutual relations. Reontologization on the otherShow MoreRelatedIct And Its Impact On The Society1478 Words   |  6 PagesInnovation in ICT and its impact on the society has been astounding. It is considered to be â€Å"crucial for economic activity† (Jorgenson and Vu, 2007) as it not only â€Å"increas es productivity and boost economic growth,† (Jorgenson et al, 2008) but â€Å"generates complementary innovations that improve economies total factor productivity.† (Ceccobelli et al, 2012) 3D printing is where a â€Å"three-dimensional object is created by laying down successive layers of material that adhere to one another, creatingRead MoreIct And Its Impact On America s High Tech Societies1408 Words   |  6 Pagestechnology or ICT. Any business that has to deal with consumers knows how vital the communication process is. Many consumers have dealt with a company that has poor telephone customer support and know how frustrating that can become. ICT can help by opening up other communication paths for the consumer, directly linking them to the business. One of the first things a company should understand about ICT is the strategic relevance and how important it can be for success in today’s high tech societies. ICTRead MoreThe Importance of Information and Communications Technology Essay631 Words   |  3 Pagestechnology (ICT) is generally regarded as the overlap of computer information and telecommunications technologies, and their applications. In this document the term ICT is used to indicate the whole range of technologies involved in information processing and electronic communications, including the internet, electronic mail and videoconferencing. In recent years ICT has had, and is continuing to have, an increasingly significant impact on all aspects of society. There are Read MoreKiryl Slizheuski. 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In 2016, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD-2016) will focus on the theme: â€Å"ICT entrepreneurship for social impact†, in accordance with Resolution 68 and as endorsed by ITU Council 2015.The theme for WTISD-16 is in line with ITU’s work in unlocking the potential of ICTs for young innovators and entrepreneurs, innovative SMEs, start-ups and technology hubs as drivers of innovative and practical solutionsRead MoreTech v s Men1223 Words   |  5 Pagestechnological regimes that has as a result an impact on society. It is a fact that technology has contributed tremendously to the development of society until this days. From the creation of devices, to detect several illness and other medical conditions, to products that will simplify our life at work and home. Two important questions to ask ourselves are: how are we being shaped by technology in society? And, how we are influencing technology? When analyzing the impacts on both sides we find many factorsRead MoreIn modern times Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become ever-present in life.800 Words   |  4 Pagesmodern times Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become ever-present in life. Sometimes it feels as though it is encroaching on daily routine but the advantages it offers in both personal and working life are prodigious. This essay will examine the impact ICT currently has, on private life and at work. The issues arising from the developments of these technologies will also be given consideration. 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I am writing this report to inform the importance of ICT in different sectors; such as education, health and banking. In addition to this, I would like to inform about the development of technology over the years. I am going to carry out this research through the use of online sources and textbooks.Read MoreImpact of Ict on Accounting Practice in Nigeria1663 Words   |  7 PagesThe impact of ICT on accounting practice in Nigeria CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1  Ã‚  Ã‚   Background of the study   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the recent past centuries, before the inception of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), the accountants of an organization were using a socially acceptable behavioural method of reporting accounting and economic reports, carried out during accounting year ends, the preparation of accounting records, book such as the profit and loss account, the balance sheet

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Wildlife conservation free essay sample

Wildlife Conservation includes all human efforts to perserve wild animals from extinction. It involves the protection and wise management of wild species and their environment. Some species have become extinct due to natural causes, but the greatest danger to wildlife results from human activities. Thus, we ourselves have created this need for wildlife conservation. The progress of man throughout has been beneficial for the human race but it is the wildlife that has suffered through the years. Invention of sophisticated weapons, industrialization, urbanization, ever increasing human population have been some of the major causes for the dwindle of our once rich resource. Hunting, clearing of forests, draining of swamps and damming of rivers for irrigation and industry this is what we appraise of mans progress. These activities have vastly reduced the natural habitats of our wildlife and many species are endangered or nearly extinct. Mans indifference and ignorance has led him to believe that he is independent of natural laws and of natural environments and forgets that he himself is a biological being and is directly and/or indirectly dependent on the natural resources available to him. He exploits, destroys and reduces the renewable natural resources, eradicates wildlife and leads his own race to levels leading to catastrophe. All this can be put to an end by careful long-range ecological planning. Along with the topic of conservation arises a question-Why should be care about disappearing animals? The answer to such a question can be attributed to many reasons. Some of them are as follows: Survival value Every species plays an important role in maintaining an ecological balance among the living systems of the earth. These systems must continue to function if life is to survive. Loss of any species threatenes the survival of several species inclusive of man. Mans own survival depends on his willingness and ability to co-operate with the living environment. Human beings turn to nature and wildlife for spiritual, psychological, physical and cultural benefits. Scientific value The study of wildlife provides valuable knowledge about life processes which has helped scientists understand the functioning and behaviour of the human body. Scientists have also gained medical knowledge and discovered important medical products by studying wildlife. By studying the effects of environmental pollution on wildlife it is possible to learn how pollution affects human life. Economic value Wild species of animal provide meat for food and skin for fur. The financial value of wild species is of major importance in the economics of many nations. Beauty Wildlife includes a diversity of species that contributes in a special way to the beauty of nature. Such beauty enriches life and increase the enjoyment of camping and outdoor recreation. On all continents wildlife is becoming an increasingly important recreational asset and tourist attraction. They maintain the health of the living landscape and productivity of the ecosystem. Wildlife represents the result of many years of evolution and constitute and environmental heritage to the past, a world which once surrounded our ancestors. Moreover, why should man deny that animals as species have the right to live and coexist with ourselves? We are responsible to the coming generation to leave as an inheritance an upspoiled world with intact living beauty and richness. Apart from the aesthetical ethical reasons, there are also educational arguments to preserve wildlife. Reasons for Dwindle Man in his zeal for progress fails to realize that his own existence is being jeopardised. Progress, as he terms it, has made him contaminate air; pollute streams, lakes and oceans, drain swamps and wetlands, lowering the water table; rape prairies and forests; spray pesticides over water and land; kill animals excessively for immediate profit, or on false assumptions that they are noxious or for fashionable sport. Man alone, though often in combination with his livestock is destroying the natural environment. Civilization, as we apply the term, is not just cities industrial developments, miles of highways, enormous airfields, and numerous other technological conveniences. By destroying wildlife for civilization and culture, we are only negating the meaning of the words. If he does have to change habits, then he must be able to manage them properly in order to maintain a rich and varied wildlife. Man has to think of the dangerous trop he is setting up for himself human over population. It is mans ability to think that formulated the idea of conservation is applied ecology and may also be regarded as bio-economy. In other words, conservation is defined as sound preservation, management and sensible use of the available renewave natural resources. This decision of conservation is in our hands and man seems to be going in the right direction regarding this decision that holds the key to the future of our most valuable natural resource. Governments of several nations have passed laws and set aside national parks, sanctuaries and other wildlife reserves in an effort to save the dwindling wildlife. Such efforts have saved several species from becoming extinct. However, these efforts hae to increase several fold, if not for a complete recovery, at least about 3/4 of the species threatened with extinction can be redeemed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Snow Falling On Cedars Essays - Puget Sound, Snow Falling On Cedars

Snow Falling On Cedars I have to admit, when I first started reading this book, I had a problem with trying to stay awake: I found the writing dry. Then slowly as characters were introduced, a mystery started to unfold, and tension between neighbors rose, I could not put the novel down. Whether it was the vivid descriptions of the snow banks, or the emotional accounts of the townspeople, David Guterson's novel, Snow Falling on Cedars is a true piece of literary art. Snow Falling on Cedars is the fictional account of a Japanese immigrant, Kabuo Miyamoto who is on trial for the murder of a fisherman, Carl Heines. The majority of the residents of San Piedro have already found Kabuo guilty simply because of his race, physical stature, and history as a soldier. Guterson weaves this relatively simple tale through the eyes of many people giving points of view that are sometimes lost in stories of prejudice, thus creating a complex story where one finds themselves simplifying with every party involved. By doing this, Guterson establishes an emotional connection between the readers and the characters. The characters, although physically different, are very similar in that they don't trust anyone who is different than they are. For instance, Carl Heine's mother always believed that Kabuo was glaring at her. She felt that he was sneaky and was going to try and steal away her land. Through this statement, we see how some of the white residents feel about their neighbors from the Far East. Guterson also makes it known that the older Japanese do not trust the White's either when we read the conversation between Hatsue and her mother. Hatsue's mother tells her that the whites are evil and deceitful and will try and take away her purity. By writing these conversations, Guterson shows us that a lot of anxiety is built between different cultures when they do not understand each other. Snow Falling on Cedars has found a place in my heart. Up until the last chapter I was convinced that this story was just a cheap rip-off of ?To Kill A Mockingbird?, yet in the last chapter justice is served, and an innocent man walks away. This is one of the main reasons I liked this book. I identified with the characters, I established a connection, while the whole time hoping they would do the right thing, and as we know, they do not let me down. Ishmael comes to the Miyamoto family with his news about the freighter, and they approach the sheriff with it. I was a little worried at this point that Ishmael was going to remain bitter about loosing Hatsue, but as was my initial feeling he did do the right thing. I think that was one of the major themes that this book was portraying, although people are different and have very strong conflicting emotions, we are all humanitarians and we will do the right thing. I feel this book ties in well with the ?Washington State History? class. One can read about Washington's high amount of trees, yet one cannot appreciate them nearly as well as I did when reading Snow Falling on Cedars. Snow Falling on Cedars had a certain charm to it, something I connected with as a long time resident of this State. For instance, when Ishmael is making his way to his mother's house, and he is describing the chaos that the snow has created, ?Looking out past the windshield wipers Ishmael saw billions of snowflakes falling in long tangents, driven southward, the sky shrouded and furious. The wind propelled the snow against the side of barns and homes, and Ishmael could hear it whistling through the wing window's rubber molding, which had been loose now for many years.?(320) I am reminded of my days growing up in the Cispus Valley where scenes like this were frequent in the winter months. The strawberry farms are another good example. Some of the descriptions that Guterson used to capture the beauty of these fields were as if they were mine. I remember working summer jobs in strawberry fields in Orting and the long aisles of strawberries were indeed quite beautiful and did have a great aroma. Perhaps the most important part of Snow Falling on Cedars is the descriptions of the Japanese Internment Camp. Maybe this is my fault, however I like to consider myself well in tune with history, but I had no idea how bad the Japanese were treated. To think, while we were in